Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

My maths class test.

Yesterday, my result for the class test came out and I got A1 for it.


I'm trying to improve hopefully i will.

The teacher is quite okay but sometimes she is strict. Always saying that she have high expectation from us.

She doesn't want us to get any thing lower than an A1 or A2.

Well, i need to work hard for that subject to get that scores.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Modern Dance

Just now, i go to modern dance.

I taught the teacher will be nice but she's quite scary and strict.

Me, Joy, Yanni and Wen Yuen(i don't know if thisis the spelling) decided that this is our cca choice.

So we watched the senior girls practice until 3pm then the coach ask us to strech.

My god! the stretches are killing me!

IT was so insanely hard. My knees are kind of shaking, so does wen yuen's kness!

But it was fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


My cca is modern dance! It's my second choice but it's fine anyway.

I'm kind of worried that the trainings are too much. I saw at the Modern Dance notice board is that the trainings are at Tuesdays, wenesdays and fridays! Until 6pm! My god! Well, i admit that I'm not quite sure if that is the time of the training. Well, I hope not.

Today, i had P.E. We played badminton. My opponent was Joy!. It was  a nice game but we have to stop because my hand got injured and all that. It was really nice!

Btw, Joy got Modern Dance too! I don't know if she even liked it. I think not which make me very sad. :(

Just now, Joy was REALLY angry. I just kept quiet and let her anger out. I listened and listened. Which was okay I think. I'm not really good at talking and giving advice that fast.

This days, I'm avoiding a person. If the person noticed this, well it's just that you look kinda weird these days. And I just feel like I don't want to talk to you.

After school, me and joy went to mcdonalds. WE walked there which was a good excersice for us.

Btw, the teacher in P.e. told us that we will go swimming next thursday. And the next and the next until the 10 lessons of swimmings are done. Haha.

Our teacher in P.e. told me and joy to keep the badminton equipment which was kind of like Ugh! We're already downstairs and he told us that to keep the equipments. So while me and joy kept the equipment he asked us if we were sisters and I was like um???????????????????????

He asked us our parents occupation. He asked us if we had different fathers but same mother. So me and joy were like 'what!?" We said we're bffs not sisters

Haha. funny.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nothing much and Later!

Sorry I didn't post for so long.
I haven't much time to post things these days.
So later!

New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday today!

I'm going church today and guitar lessons. haha. I'm hurrying cos my mom wants me to prepare to go to church. Okays.

I'll tell you more about my day later cos it's only morning. Nothing much happened. Or is there?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Maths tuition today!

Omg!. Maths tuition is fun again!. Haha. lolz.

Just tell you a quick story. My teacher was wearing a t-shirt saying teamwork. It had a picture. Three people beating one person!

I kept looking at the t-shirt. It was kind of distracting me. I don't know why.

I told Hong Ya that^^^^^^^

The she told our teacher.

Then he asked, "what's wrong with it"

I said, "Someone's beating that person." I pointed at his shirt.

He said, 'It's teamwork, what! Three people doing something together."

Then I said, "But they are beating that person."

Then the whole class was like telling the teacher sometime about his shirt and all of that. LOLZ.

Then after 2o minutes, Hong Ya told the teacher, "Hey, teacher, don't wear this t-shirt in the next lesson again! Very distracting."

I was laughing. She was distracted too. Haha.

Well, i gues that's what I want to post today.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Facebook friend requests

I changed my profile pic in facebook.

Then everyday after that, i always have friend quest. 1-4 requests.

Lol. i don't know why.

In school, i got so many homework!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I'm very pissed off and i'm very happy today.

Ugh! I was soooooooo pissed off with one of my classmate in my class. My class will be blamed just because of him. We also need to pay because of him!
Let me tell you what happen. So this morning, we're having a health check. Those index number 1-10 will need to go inside the room where they would be check(boys don't need to be check except for those who are chosen). So I was playing truth or dare with my 2 friends and the boys near us are like super crazy. They were all shouting and running. Suddenly, i heard a 'sss!!!!' kind of sound. Then i turn my head where the sound came from. Then I found out that there is this smoky thing. It smells bad. Then my classmates were all like freaking out. Then I found out that the fire extinguisher has been used to made that smoke. I wont tell you who pressed the thing.
So I touch my hair, and found out it was kind of sticking together. Its like a hairspray was spayed on my hair! Ugh! Then my shoes was covered with white thingy from the fire extinguisher, so was by healt booklet! UGH!!!!! I hate that person.
Then when we're all finished, our English teacher scolded us. I'm not angry with her for doing that. I mean the scolding. But while she is scolding us she said, "Thereis no Filipino maid that will clean your mess up after you." Then I was like, "Who do you think you are!" Of course i didn't shout that. But i want to say, "Doesn't mean there are some filipino maids here doesn't mean ALL filipinos are maids! Look at us! We're at express! I'm a filipino! Do you think I'm a maid or worse still, do YOU think my mother IS A MAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then how did she took me here?"
UGH!!!! I was really pissed off by that thing. FYI, my mother is an engeneer. Now she has her own company, my father is the boss and my mother is the vice-boss! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
I feel so angry.
(Inhaling, exhaling) I need to calm down! Good thing our after school cleaning up the whole school. BTW, it's not our punishment, it is our school service.
We're all like laughing around. So when there's no more trash to be picked up, we're looking at the high fences. Actually, Radin is. Radin is my classmate. He was the first take leaves at the fences so i did the same. So we're like racing each other. Unfortunately, Radin got more dried leaves than me.
When we're finished with the cleaning, we're all like cheering. We're cheering the cheer we had cheered at the campfire. The cheer goes like this

"Student leader- 1E1, how are you feeling?

Student- I feel so good

Oh yeah i feel so good

I feel so good

I feel so good

Oh yeah yeah"

But actually i said "I feel so tired!" LOL


Me and Joy, decided to buy ice cream before going home.


After a few minutes I was in my HOME SWEET HOME.

Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I don't like going for tuition

I don't like. Today i have English. Which the subject i dont like. it's very boring during tuition. nothing to do. sigh.

very busy today so my post is shorter than yesterday.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A detailed day.

Today i decide to write a bit detailing on what happen today and from right at this moment. :)
This morning. i was, again, awaken by the drilling sound. Agh! I hate that. I wish that construction will end already! So its like at weekdays, the drilling sound is my alarm clock which is set at 9.45am. But it's also okay so I can sleep earlier later at night. And also that I can use computer first.
So when I got out of my room, I saw no one outside. So I walk staright to the computer. I on the computer then saw our family's helper (actually she's our maid but I don't like calling anybody a maid. A helper sounds better) So when I it's on the user's page , i click on my own username and type my password. Then when it's done loading and all that, I saw the internet icon and found that the internet access (I don't what you call it). So I restarted the computer while walking at the switch that will on the internet access. So while waiting for the computer to restart, I took my book and started reading it. The book I'm reading is called Strange Angels. I I'm still at Chapter 2 or 3. Okay, I confessed that I am confused what it is all about. But i will just continue to read it and maybe I'll understand it. I think the book is about killing monster and all that. It syas that at that book Dru(the main character) will kill Zombies, I think. So when I'm at the user's page again, i typed my password again then wait for it to load again.
I clicked Internet Explrorer then what i did first is confirmed the friend requests i have. Everyday, I have 1 or 2 friend request. But sometimes, I get 50 plus friend request. LOL. Then accept pending gift request and all that. The check my games. The first one I checked is Restaurant City. It's improving. I have 300,000 Experience points. And no, I didn't use hack to do this. Hardwork is what I did. Which is to check it everyday. Every three hours i get 3000 experience points.
Then checked Fishville. I fed ny fish first then scrub the algae away then give my fish my love. then can get bonus prize.My xp for that is 1,800,000 experience points. And I'll say again that ,no, i didn't use hack to have this kind of points.
After that, i checked Home Inn. It's been only a week when playing it. I have only reache level 8. It's kind of an okay game.
Then I checked Pet Ville. I only fed my pet then left.
Then checked Cafe World, I changed the appearance of my person then left.
Last but not least, i checked Mafia Wars. I'm only at level 260+ I have 660 mafia.
Then check my 2 blogs. Which is this and SJ bolg.
After all the checking, I go bathe then go for church. We went at the baby room in the church because of Rose. She's only 7 months. When we're at baby room there's not much people but after 10 or more minutes, the room is crowded. When the priest started talking I can't hear a thing. Well of course i can hear some bit. All the kids we're shouting, crying, playing and screaming. I wanted to get out of the hellhole. But i think it's not hell as i'm at church but it felt like it. when it was finished, i was like, OMG! thank you, Lord, Thank you so much! While we're walking out of the church, a girl tapped me and said hi! I didn't know who she was. If the girl who tapped me is rading this, I'm really sorry but i really don't know you. It looks like I saw you before but never rember your name and all that. Really Sorry!
After church we went to IMM and ate at BayStreet 21. The food is delicious. I ate a salad, potato, half chicken and watermelon. Delicious. while eating, Rose also wanted to eat so my mom cannot eat properly, good thing Katrina, our helper, finished eating then helped my mom to take care of Rose. I was the last one to finish.
When we're all full, all of us went down to the first floor to collect mom's glasses. She said to me that her grade of her eyes went down. Then I asked her if I could check my grade but my mom said no. So i said fine.
Then at last we went home.
Then I'm now here typing this. Right now, I'm listening to Shakira's song called Did it again. It's so nice!!!! Well that's the detailed day i had or should i say a detailed post....

New Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Maths tution- hahaha

Just now in Maths tuition was kind of funny. I don't really know.
My maths teacher in tuition is the same as last year.
So while doing the worksheets I heard Bernard(I don't know if this is the spelling. He's from Shuqun Primary last year) saying some complaints that he want to go homethen this word caught my attention, "My stomach pain!" Well, not really caught my attention but it just gave me a joke or something like that. So, I told Hong Ya (My tuition friend for 2 or 3 year) that Bernard got a "." If you get what i mean lah! Because,right, when the girls got period we say stomach cramps or stomach pain.
Then Hong Ya was laughing so hard. She said to me that she will tell the teacher. My maths teacher is very nice. As in super. He takes jokes. So, Hong Ya told my maths teacher something in chines which i don't understand, then i got the idea that she was telling him what i told her. So the teacher was lauging also. Then she, again, told Bernard what i said. Then the person who was sitting beside him was laughing then the teacher asks us to speak in English. Then the teacher said to tell the whole class what Hong Ya said. I don't know why the maths teacher want to tell the whole class that.
When Hong Ya said that in english the whole class laugh. When some of us got serious again we continued doing our work except for Hong ya who couldnt concetrate because of it. So I laughed too. Good thing we finished on time.
I noticed again that a boy is wearing a very red jacket. Then Someone said that he was Litlle red Riding Hood. I think that someone was Bernard. Then our maths teacher said that Bernard was the Big Bad Wolf! Then we all laughing again.
For the whole 1 hour and 30 minutes I didn't kept my concentration.
Finally it was already finished! Teacher gave us homework then we go home.
The last thing I heard from Someone was "If you mess with me again, I'll kill you."
But I know that was a joke.

Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.


I was awaken by the sound of the drilling in the construction just half a kilometer from the house.

I'm still sleepy but i want to get up from bed so i can sleep earlier later at night. Btw, me and joy made a blog for ourselves. Look at the link list. You will see it. Right now, we haven't made a video yet. But we're working on it.

We want to be dressed neatly and have some things we can say and be preapared for the video.

I confessed that we had the first video. But it looks embarrasing. Even though Me and joy are the only the one who had seen it, we think that it's embarrassing. So we will video a new video.

We're trying to make a video that is 10 minutes or less. If i can't upload it in that blog, then i'm going to upload it in Youtube then copy the html of the video then post it here.

The very first video we made is at Youtube but it's private. Me and Joy are the only one who can see it.

I promise we will try to have a video tomorrow or on monday. Promise!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Shhhh! don't make a noise! LOL.

I'm at the library typing this post right here , right now. So, so. LOLZ.

I tagged Sophia already. Sophia please tag me at ur link list! I got put you in my link list leh!

Lol. lot of homework to do. School and tuition. The best good news ever is that i got perfect score for history and i don't have remedial for english!! I don't know if it is the same as the others subjects.

The librarian asks us to "Shhhh!" lol. i don't want go toilet. Before going here i go there already. But i cant tell that to her. Too bad!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quite impressed.

I'm quite impressed with someone just now and maybe right now.

I mean am really so impressed.

And btw, i'm also shock with someone.

Sigh. I can't so believe it.

Today, i decided not to sms anyone i don't want to sms. I mean when someone sms me then i don't want to reply, i reply cos it looks rude not to. Today, i decided to just keep quiet for awhile.

That doesn't mean I didn't sms one single person!. Of course I did.

And that person is none other than. . . . . .

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CCA choices

Well, as i have nothing to say today, i'll just tell you my cca choices and my who teach what subject.

In my school, we need to have 3 choices of CCA. If we cannot go at our first choice, we will go at our second if we cant go in at the second choice then we will go at our third choice then if we cannot go at our 3rd choice the teacher will pick for us. I don't know if the teacher will pick or us.

CCA- 1st-Choir
2nd-Modern Dance
3rd-Photography club

My form teacher, CME and CFT(class family time)- Mr NG

English- Ms Yong (I have mistaken her, she's actually very nice. I mean when submitting homework and all that she will be strict to you if you didn't do. But she makes jokes as well. Overall she is 87% nice)

Science- Mrs Jennifer Peng (Super nice teacher.)

Maths- Mdm GL Teh ( i don't know what GL means. In maths we we're seperated according to our score in PSLE. She's an okay-okay teacher)

Those others i'll inform you next time. I just wrote those most important. I mean the subject

Monday, January 11, 2010

Visitng my primary sch

I think, i plan to go to primary sch on feb 2.

Cos feb 1 is monday. I have tuition.

I am trying to call Joy but she never pick up. Actually, i told her that it is feb1 but i remember that i have tuition.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

For today

For today, my schedule is full. I don't know if it is but in my point of view it is.

Go to chruch-12.30-1.30pm
GO somewhere-1.30pm-3pm
Joy visit-3pm-5.45pm
Guitar lessons-6pm-7.30pm

so........... that's all. i think

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sec 1 campfire

"Camfire's burning now!"

Yesterday we had a campfire. We didn't stay at sch. I mean we didn't sleep at sch. We just stayback at school yesterday.

I was so tired!

My class only got 3rd place for the cheering competition.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


That's my class this year. 1E1. I like my class. There's this three or four Malay boys who always makes the class laugh. I am having fun at hillgrove even though it's tiring. Got homework at second day of school leh. I have a very nice Science teacher. I think my english teacher is as feirce as my Primary five english teacher. Our class got an english test today.

At history, my teacher wants all of us to have perfect marks at the next week history test. Then teacher told us my class is the best class of the sec 1 in hillgrove. I was happy and shock of course.

The teachers expect us to all have A1 or A2. I dont like being the best class. I think it's hate. But sometime i like it. I mean being the best class. I never thought of me being in that kind of class.

In math subject, we split classes. They split us according to our marks at maths in psle. I wish i was at band 2 or 3 or 4. and again, My maths class is the best class. She's expecting us to get A1 or A2. No less than that!

if you think i'm boasting, am not! I'm just saying that last time I want to be the best class but now, I am like "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Body Aches

Again, in hillgrove sec, we go around the school for many times.

Cca fairs are fun but sooooo tiring!!

I'm too tired to type now

Monday, January 4, 2010

Long day

It's been a long day. I am late for the first day of school. I think I got home at 6pm.

I'm tired so I don't want to type anything long today

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Boring afternoon

When my mother came back from the wedding, she said it's a good thing i didn't come cos it's hot there.

I got nothing to write again. I wrote a long post this morning so don't expect me to write something on this soooo boring afternoon

Wedding Celebration.

Last night I can't sleep. I think I slept at midnight. Actually, I go to bed at 10pm. Then of course I will wake up late but my mother woke me up! I was so pissed. But it's okay I can sleep earlier then wake up early tomorrow. Tomorrow is the first day of school.

Well, my mom woke me up cos she want to ask me if I going to the wedding celebration. You know the one I told you about in my recent post. Of course I anyhow say that I will go but really I don't want to go but I want to go.


I don't if I want to go. In the end I didn't go. The celbration takes place, um, I think it is at a Myanmar restaurant. It says at the invitation card that it takes place there. I don't know how it will be celebrated. That's why I want to come. I want to know. And of course I want to try new stuff. The stuff is the food. I want to try Myanmar food.

I don't want to come cos I want to play computer cos tomorrow is school day.

Before my parents left for the wedding, I ask them if they will bring food. Then I laugh at myself. Why would they even bring food home? It's a wedding celebration. Not a b-day party.

You know why I want to try Myanmar food? My father has been to Myanmar then he told us about the food. He says he like their food. How they cook, blah blah blah. Then of course, I want to try it. If my father says it's delicious it's really delicious. Well, most of the time the thing he says is delicious is delicious but sometimes it's not. He likes their pasta or spaghetti or whatever you call it.

Today, I decided to write something long, but i don't know if this is long enough. For me it is.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I'll tell you about my day.

I woke up at quarter to 11am this morning. Actually I have been already waking up at 8am then we slept at 1am in new years eve then my sleep cycle change.

I had breakfast then watch the replay of American Idol. Then watch MTV best 40 video of 2009.

Then Played computer then swam at the pool.

We have been invited to a wedding of Aye(my mom's colleague) and Thiha(for those of my former classmates last year, let me clarify that it's not our classmate that is going to be married ) for tomorrow.

I'm so excited to come to my new school on Jan 4. I ask some of my former classmates, they said they were not. It's weird sometimes that I get excited of starting a new school. I'm excited to wear my new school uniform which looks the same as JurongVille Secondary School. MAybe when I will visit Shuqun Primary School, some people may think that I'm from Jurongville Sec not Hillgrove Sec.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

I cannot believe it's 2010 already!!!!!!!!!

To celbrate our new year, we went to Clarke. Sorry i don't know how to spell or call it. We ate at a Thai restaurant while waiting for 23:30 hours.

There's a t.v. there at the restaurant. We watch the Live performance at the MArina Bay there. I saw that i can send a message at that and then of course i send a message. I don't know if it's been put there. At new year eve, many people are spraying something that smells so bad i want to vomit. Really! When they started spraying it, i smelled it then i wanted to vomit but don't want to make a scene and don't want to have new year vomiting.

That's all I want to say. Anyway, here's a taylor swift song that i liked. I just want to share it.