Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Found out about mulitples and factors

I found out what are multiples and factor.

I'll make you an example.

3 x 4 = 12

3 and 4 are both factors of 12
12 is a multiple of 3 and 4.

Still don't get it? I'll make you an another example.

The factors of 48 are 2,3,4,6,8,12,16 and 24
Means that 48 can be divided by all of those numbers.

Multiples of 7 are 14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70.

Get it?

Well, if you don't, search all of it yourself. I wrote all this at a paper then i'll put in my wallet at all times so when i forget about them i'll take a look. Don't get the wrong reason. I will not use this at exam. I'm not a cheater at exams.

In less than 12h hours, 2010 will be here! Well, not in my blog but around the world. I mean common sense!!!!

Chris and Joy, thanks for still veiwing my blog! I thought no one reads my blog anymore. I'll still write when there's no one viwing my blog. I just want to write not for the sake of it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Book naming. . . .Factors and multiples. . . .

Today morning, I put names on the school things i would be using next year. I found out there are 2 workbooks -1practical and 1thoery workbook- and 1 text books in each volume of science. There are no english and maths workbook.

I took a peek at the maths textbook. I saw mulitples and factors. Then I forgot what are multiples and factors! Gosh! Embarrassing! Nvm. I typed it so you know that even though I'm in express class, I don't know this simple things. I'm always confused with multiples and factors. I memorize this long time ago. This year maybe but forgot them again. I am young but forgetful somtimes.

I cannot believe that 2010 is coming. It's just like only a week ago that I was starting my last year of primary school!

But am now excited to start school next year. I'm always excited starting a new year of school!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bowling. . . . again

Me and joy and another person went bowling yesterday.

First round i was second joy was third as it was her first time n the other person won.

Second and third round the person won again joy 2nd me third.

That person got 117 at 3rd round. I cant put the name here in my blog but if you really really curious who it is, email me or chat with me at facebook. But if you're really really curious. I bet you wouldn't even ask me who is that person.

Oh and also that person gave me a christmas gift. Thank you for the gift!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today, I got guitar lessons.

Um, i forgot what i'm going to say. Oh yah, this is what i want to say. I am writing a novel. I'm still thinking about the title but i'm gonna do that when i finished it. My goal is to have 3oo over pages with a 12 size text. I wish I could reach that goal.

I'm so excited starting my first day at Hillgrove. The first day is the orientation so I have nothing to bring except the orientation package which is only 7-10 pages and a pencil box. I'm always excited when I'm starting a new year of school.

I wish I will have good friends like what I have back at my primary school. But those I have in primary school are special to me. Haha. Wish that they're still my friends for the coming years.

Ugh! I forgot what I'm going to say again. But never mind. What I wrote is enough for today.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Xmas 2009

I had a super nice christmas! I had 4 gifts. Clothe, Ps3 game, Diary and Wii.


Well i really got nth to say today......

That's all anyway that i want to say anyway

Thursday, December 24, 2009


I didn't realize that it's 24 dec today. I'm opening one present today. Father wants us to open them at boxing day which is 26 december.

Just been to orchard. Gosh! Lot of people were there. The only thin we did there was exchange a scarf then eat at this filipino restaurant then walk around then bought ice cream then go home.

I like Briney Spear's songs this song called 3 is new. Listen to it. I really like the beat.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm thinking of trying to write a novel. I'm thinking how to think of the scenario.

I'm thinking how would it be in 2010 for me. I'm thinking about my first day of school.

I'm thinking about...... lol. maybe u can guess that. I'm thinking a lot of things right now.

Think Think Think!

Hillgrove Sec

Just been to Hillgroe Sec. I was so happy when I knew that Joy is my classmate.

My class in Hillgrove Sec is 1E1 i think. My index number is 14 which is my fave number.

Suprisingly, i saw 3 more students from my primary school. Those three are Wuhao(which is my classmate last year), Jun Jie (not sure if tis is the name) from 6C2, then the girl who I don't know the name which is also my classmate.

The queue for the uniform is sooooo long. Also for the books which are by the way is sooooo heavy.

I really like the unifrorm. The blouse is light green then the skirt is dark green. It is a really nice uniform. The colour of my p.e. house is still red. They choose my colour of my p.e. house according to my birth month.

Well that's it anyway.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


After collecting my PSLE certificate. Me and my Mom went to J.P. We went looking for gifts for Xmas.

We look around J.P.

Then we went to information counter to get wrappers for xmas then we saw nothing but those lucky draws. So we decided to try our luck.

I spin the thing then we got a $30 voucher for a spa. (I think so). Then another $100 voucher for Lee Hwa Gallerias( i don't know if this is the name of the shop). Then a $10 voucher for any shops at J.P.

Before we went to the info counter we went to this shop(sry. dk the name) and Harris. I saw a book I want to buy but it's expensive than the one i want to buy at the shop that i don't know the name. The object I want to buy at the shop that i don't know the name is plasma ball. It's very interesting to look at. Inside it is electricity, (i think) lol.

So I decided to buy the ball cos i still got many books at home that still not been read. I can finish a book in a 2 to 3 days but if i have nothing to do I can finish a book for 2 hours. for now i still got 12 books in my room. 3 books have been read. 7 books are from the public library The other 5 are mine which i still didn't read.

I think I'm wron, I got 13 books now cos my mother bought me one today. I'm reading it today. LOL.

In harris I saw this magazine. I read about this thing about Taylor Swift and Taylor Launter. They said that they were going out but I dunno if its really true. Maybe they are just friends hanging out.
They said that what if Taylor Swift married Taylor Launter then Taylor Swift's name will be Taylor Launter<---(this is Taylor Swift Not Taylor Launter don't be confused) also. Then there will be two Taylor Launter. Haha. I wanted to burst out laughing when I read this.

Well that's it. I was thinking just now that finally i posted something long. Cos for the last few days I was posting few things only.

Once again, I'm going to Hillgrove Secondary School! :)

Posting Sec!

Well i was sleeping soundly when my mother woke me up saying, "you are going to hillgrove secondary school!"

Yes, i'm going there.

After that i cannot sleep anymore. Here I am now typing this.

Some of my friends got into their sch of choice! Lucky for them lol.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Bowling Stirke

I just been bowling! I had sooooo much fun!

At first round I taught I'm losing but I got a strike and made me back to the second!

At second round i am also at second place!

We have nicknames.

Koen(father)-Lightning Strike
Ruth(mother)-Thunder Strike
Me-Shadow Strike
Katrina(house helper)- Rose Strike

I think the nicknames are cool!

After that, we went to mcdonalds.

I had a mcwings upsized. I got a seaweed shaker. I love it!
Kat and my Mom had a cheeseburger.
Koen had a Mega mcspicy. I forgot the name of that burger. I'm not sure what's the name of it.


Nothin much!

Nothing much happens.

I pursuaded my family to go bowling. I wanted them to try it.

Nothing really much happen.

OMG! tomorrow is the result on which sec school I'm going.

I'm so excited!

That's it!

I told u there's nothing much

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Just now

Nothin much happen. We went to church then went to V.Hive megastore. Then ate at Westmall

We saw the 2 finalist for Singapore Idol.

Then I browse the library for some books then we went home.

Then check facebook

then finish!

I'm going for guitar lessons later.

Suntec City

Just been to Suntec yesterday evening. I made a wish at the fountain.

We're lucky to have a very nice parking space at Suntec parking lot. That parking space is very near to the lift. Then we went to the mall then walk around. Then my mother wants to go to Toys 'R Us.

I remebered that we built a jigsaw puzzle last time that when it was built, it was beautiful. So i decided to take that jigsaw puzzle i saw at the store. But i think again. There's no space for this and maybe this will be trashed like the one we did last time.

The jigsaw puzzle we did was 1000 pieces. It was fun to built that puzzle.

We left the store then we ate at this Thai restaurant. The food was nice.

After that we went to the fountain. Just making the three rounds the guard ask us to leave cos it's late.

Before going home, we went to Coffee Bean then after that we go home. We left at 10.30pm.

I was tired. I slept at 1 am. Good thing i woke up at 10 am not 11am. Whew!

LOL. I'll post later or tomorrow, if i want to.......... LOL

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This afternoon, we had lunch+dinner. My family are planning to go to Suntec this evening. I was like, finally! We can go out of this nest! BTW, the nest means my home.

OMG! I'm like waiting for the result to come out. The result is which secondary school I'm going! Joy, my bestfriend, is going to hillgrove sec. Cos I said to her last time before Wu hao told me he is going to hillgrove also that I might be going to hillgrove. That I wish i put hillgrove sec as my 1st choice so that i will be with my bestfriend.

Most of my classmates in my primary school are going to Jurong West area. Well, me and Joy live in Bukit Batok.

Sgh! my eyelids are still heavy! I need to like half open my eyes.

Just now, I'm doing some stuff. That stuff is my gift for my parents.

Wait, I need to tell my friends that I can't go bowling with them....... Well, later again or tomorrow again! :)

What a morning!

Well, I woke up at 10.30am. I thought its just 8am as outside is dark. Then i look at my teeny tiny small clock. LOL

When i got up, i walk straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Then I walk to the computer.

Then we have lunch. After lunch we have dessert. We shared. I still didn't eat my dessert but my parents did. they want me to be tricked so that they can get my brownie.

My father said, "Look! it's a pelican"

I said pointing at him, "Look it's a tricker!"

I rolled my eyes.

Then my father asked me if i can share it. I said, "I'll share it with your pelican"

I laugh at what I said. He also laugh. Its just so funny.

And here i am now typing this. Well, i'm strill gonna post later, if i can. Well, that's my morning!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Lazy Day

Today was a super laaazzzyyy day. Nothing to do. I am waiting for 22nd December to come. Sigh!
I am playing facebook last time but now there's nothing to do except check it again and again. Accept pending request from friends....... Confirmed friend request........ blah blah blah.. I want to play Sims 2 but there's no time 'cos it getting late.

I woke up at 10 am then brush my teeth then eat breakfast then go watch t.v. cos i can't use the computer 'cos someone is using it. After that I practised my guitar then eat dinner then here I am now typing this. MAybe day after day I'll get lazy typing and checking as maybe there aren't no people visiting my blog! I decide to create a blog 'cos there's time.

I want to watch New Moon. But there's no one to go to the movies with. Of course there is but they don't want to watch it. I'm reallly not that a big fan or even fan of Twilight saga. I just want to watch it as teens watch it.

Sigh! I'm starting to get nervous cos I'm starting Secondary/High School next year! 22nd Dec is also when I knowwhich Secondary school I've been accepted. Right now, I'm reading Ghost Huntress. It's an okay book.

My friends are also planning to go bowling somewhere at January. Talk about our sec sch.

HEre's a video of Taylor Swift's song. I'm a Taylor Swift's and her song fan. This video is called Hey Stephen.