Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mood #2


June holidays are here. Finally.  I may not be updating my blog for some reasons. I may be busy. And i think i might not be able to sms you all. I say might, okay....

Well, yesterday or was it on friday? i don't know... I asked joy if i changed, she said i didn't. I'm still me. I'm still Shary. I agree with her.

----(This paragraph is to someone. You know who u are) ---I don't know why you said I changed. I'm really sorry to you if i hurt you or anything. You have to let go and move on. Sorry to say this to you but I have let go and move on long time ago.... This song is for you to listen to the lyrics.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mood #1


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I don't mean to run

I put away the permission thingy so now everybody in the world can go to this blog.
Odessa.... i did that for you.

Today we had our cmp test results. I highest and Joy ee. shocked.

Then at class ranking i 8.... haiz.. can do better. I MUST do better. sorry for thos who got lower in ranking....

tmr, my class going changi terminal 3. then immediately i go back school, must clean eh....

then CCA!! so tiring....

Just been to Orchard with JOY. tiring also.

nothing much today

Friday, May 21, 2010


SOOOO many homework for june holidays.

NVM about that. Well, I got a soooo low score for that stupid english subject. My friends got so high mark for that english. HATE IT.

no mood for posting anymore.... lazy also.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My family members hate me. Except for my sister. I did nothing! Oh yeah. Maybe that's why they are angry with me or something is because I did nothing. Haha. Heck care them. I feel too angry to write about them anymore. I hate it when I'm angry.

Well, today was science paper. And heck it was hard. For the last section, I almost answer all cos i nvr look at the instruction. Hahaz. Then teacher told the whole class not to answer all. I didn't answer the the first question of that section.

Tmr is art. Yesss... I mean i said yes cos tmr last day of exam not yes because its art. Tmr also going bowling!!!!!! HAha. Gonna chill out with Joy and Lisa.

ugh. now they're talking to me. I ignore them. Later I shout at them.

I'm angry and signing off for today...

Monday, May 10, 2010


Today, we had Geography. Quite okay-okay lah. Then after that, me, joy n lisa go mcdonalds.

Joy was telling Lisa a story. Because last time I was drinking sprite then Joy made me laugh then spurt some water on her. Then she was telling the story. She was saying "Shary said good thing she wasn't drinking or else it would "boom!"' then when she said boom some curry sauce splat on our table. It must be the tables beside us. Cos they were the ones closest to us and they have some curry sauce. Then I laugh. Joy said she want get angry but she laugh cos I laugh. The people beside us were 3 boys wearing brown uniform. Idk which school. They were about 13 or 12 or sth like that. They also laugh cos me and Joy laugh. They say sorry but didn't get to tell them it's okay but I kept laughing like a maniac.

Then go to library take Romeo and Juliet, the play. We were talking and talking. Good thing the librarian never scold us.

Then go home.

Yesterday, me and Family went to zoo. Nth so interesting lah. Animals and all that.

Then may 3, I went to Universal Studios. Kind of fun. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I just got 38/40 for the test.Well, let me tell you my day. Went ti canteen with Lisa then assemble back.Assembly then go to classroom for English Paper1. Then go to canteen take my bag. Next paper M.t. i dun take so I stayback. Joy, Lisa and Nichelle stayed back with me. Then we go eat at canteen. Laugh, laugh, laugh. I know who Nichelle like. Then Joy said something really exposing about me which I want her to slap her for that. Then went to library do History revision.Then got Maths supp so go up at 12.30pm. Waited for MDM teh for like 10 minutes. After maths supp, i go home. Waited at the bus stop for so long that Alecia and Hui Qi caught up with me. Then say Hong Lin, Haziq, Sijie and chengjun. They were like this 4 boys doing 'heck care' things. Waited for the bus to come. Feeled pissed off with someone dunno wat.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


First time get to be stand up by the teacher. Never talk sia. How can talk one? Blind sia. She very very blind.

I dun know why I'm stil at the com not revising. Haiz.

At the assembly after reccess was quite a super bullshit. CBA. But nvm. Never get detention. What the heck sia! What she want me and Joy do? Get our tongues cut ah? Sorry. I was just over reacting cos my first time mah. Ugh! Hate it siah. OMg. So shocked and also want to laugh at the same time. Cos her expression very funny siah. Our expressions too may be also funny. LOL. Can't believe it. Then I hate it when Joy left me for the Maths band 3 thingy.  MAking this very small cos I want to.

But after that reccess ryt... Laugh laugh until stomach pain. Idk lah. Give you one story why we laugh.

"You know Shan Cheng got the gap in the teeth ryt?" I said

"Ya" Joy and Lisa said

"When I talk to him, I always look at there" I said

Then I thought of what I said.

"I also" say Lisa

At the same time I said, "Not down THERE. I mean on his teeeth lah"

Then laugh..

If you don't get it , too bad. If you dun find this funny, piss off. If you find it funny, we already laugh so laugh  for yourself lor. If you get it, good for you :D

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just Yesterday

Yesterday went to East Coast then go ride the Singapore Flyer. So many people.

When I went to East Coast and do CIP with classmates, there aren't that much people. When I went to the Singapore Flyrer, while going up, it gaves me headache. I'm not afraid of heights but I just got a headache while going to the top. When we're at the top my headache gone already...

HAiz, i still haven't finish homework! Haiz. -.-"

Got nothing to post today. Going to church later.