Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Little Miss Crazy

Today, I'll tell you what happen at school and all that. At the morning, I was kind of sleepy. Cos I slept kind of late. I was also excited to know about my results.

When C. Joy came, i told her abt a dream i dreamt yesterday night. It's classified. Then Joy told him about the dream and then he say "Nice Dream' to me. Well it's about a boy liking Joy. I don't know why I dreamt about someone liking Joy. It suppose to be her dream! Nvm.

In science, Mrs Peng asked us to be in groups of 4. There is suppose to be a boy and a girld in the group. I'm paired up with C.Joy(duh!), Kai Kent and Wei Keong. Kai Kent is the leader. Joy is the secretary, I'm the editor and Wei Keong is the dunno wat manager. 

Editor are suppose to be good at science but i'm not really that good. I'm suppose to correct things and all that.

Mr Ho and Mrs Ng gave back our History and Geography. History I got 29/30! So low. I got the very first question wrong! It was the easiest! never mind. In geography  I got 24/30 which is soooooo low.

Then at lunch, Joy, Dorothy and Nichelle irritate me! Well not really irritate just tease but i just laugh it off even though it mad me mad and sad!

Then go to choir with Nichelle then saw Krystal(1e2) and Wen Yuen. We all go inside music room then practice and practise. Mr Yiong(a.k.a. Avartar Blue(that was last time cos his hair blue last time now his hair is colour gold or yellow)) didn't come so we all practise by ourselves. Right now I don't know which I word I would use, practise or practice. Nvm. Then Ms Tan told us we could go home earlier. So happy! Then we were dismissed at 4.45pm!

WE were actually finished at 3.30 but we need to wait until 3.45 to be dismissed. So we're all sitting down then Nichelle told me that next week is picture day. So she told me she would pose like an innocent girl in the fun photo then she asked me what will be my pose be like. I said it will be like a cat. You know, like clawing other ppl and all that. Then they were all laughing. Then I had nth to do so I tried to move like a robot then they were laughing again and again and again. She said I was so funny! Lol. I know. No need to tell me. That's me! That's how i get friends, i'll just be funny! Then everyone is my friend. But there will be only 1 one bff I'll have. Those who knows me, they'll probably know who is my bff.

Then after being dismissed, I go home taking 176. Haha. Then walk up the hill! Very tiring. But I'm used to it.

If you're going to my hosue for the first time, when you get at the very top (that's the location of my house, at the very top of the hill) you'll be out of oxygen already!

Like Joy, she was so exhausted last time but now she kind of got used to it.

That is all!

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