Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of year

end of year coming alr! must revise and revise! lol

i just got a haircut 2 days ago. i look damn weird. i don't like it... anyways it will grow back after like 10 days or 20 days. my hair grow damn fast. sometimes, i just want to wish to let my hair stop growing when it reaches 1 inch above my shoulders. but, you know, that's impossible.

anyway, i still need do history, geo and art. art super a lot.  got the reapeted pattern and the 3 pieces for art some more. haiz..

i can't wait to finish the end of year exam. then like after 20 < days then holiday. teachers said school finish at october 29!!!!!! yes!!!! secondary school much better!!!! holiday start fast..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A song

I just looked it up randomly at youtube. I know some lyrics of it is kinda perv or watever, i just like how it has been sung and the beat is nice too. :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Four Fighters

Yo! people!

Well, a blog was created today. The blog is in this website

The blog is about me, joy, joanne and lisa. We call ourselves The four fighters. The name was made by Joy. All credits goes to her. Efforts and credits goes to me on creating the blog and all about the blog background thingy. All credit goes to joanne and lisa for .... ..... hmmmm.... without them the blog wouldn't be created and called four fighters!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Day of term 3 holiday

the holiday went so incredibly fast! tmr, got home economics test... i'm not sure but i better study. i only went out once this week with my friends. all of them are busy. either they got cca or their other friends 'booked' or 'early bird' them alr. lols. just kidding. the bird part.

i actually finish my homework on friday. so nth to do at saturday.




AHHH!!!!! i cant think of anything to write...




this coming week would be full of test. maybe i call this week as 'the hell week test' or watever.

better study all subjects. i dont want to lose my position anyway. i mean i dont want to make it go down just up.

i'll stop here. if i go on and on... i'll write rubbish. and i'll waste my precious energy and time.

 sooo, ciao!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It’s unbelievable, how I used to say that I’d never fall [in love]

Long time i posted something. Well, i'm just gonna say about .... er.. something..? lols

So i got 3rd position for this term. I'm sooo happy. And i got 1st for maths!! sooo happy i beat peter. i thought i will always be behind him.

Btw, sep 6, i had sooo much fun with joy. lisa and joanne. I had fun hanging out with them. i'm gonna tell u abt wat we did that day. well, after literature supplementary we went straight to bukit gombak. At the school gate i said gombak as in gombek. lols. i didn't notice it. i know that it is supposed to be call gombak but i accidentally said gombek. they kept laughing at my 'slang'.

so at the toilet at the station we go change to home clothes. in the toilet, i go say the word 'fuck' sooo loud. i didn't mean to. I was asking joy that the page she liked was "fuck.. " then she hissed at me, "shhh!!!!!!!!!" then we laughed. i know we're weird. haha.

then all of us arranged ourself in front of the mirror. the one that took so long was lisa and joy. they got long hair but me and joanne got short hair. so we were like waiting for the two of them to finish combing their hair. i decided to go out already. joanne followed me. Then joanne go say to me that "we two go without lisa and joy. haha. some more the two of them no money. only two of us got the money." then i was laughing out loud. it was them that i realized that what joanne said was true. she got 90 i got 100. the two of them got 10 less. lols.

then when i wanted to run away the two of them come out of the toilet already. so we took the train to go to woodland. we arrived at cosway point eat at seoul garden. it was my first time eating at that kind of restaurant.

We were just lucky cos the restaurant just opened. we were one of the first few customers of theirs. so the four of us picked so much meat then bbq them. we were such rookies at bbqing. we take out the meat either when it's not really cooked at all or when the meat is already burned.

after eat go arcade at cosway point. only played DDR there. then go lot one play at the arcade there. we only played jubeat box or it's called sth like that. then went mac. joanne go home alr cos she got tuition. then lisa also go cos need meet with her friend at westmall. then she say after that she go to a 'friends' house ;) lolol. lisa.....

then me and joy decided to go to timezone at west mall. we found out that there was a same game that we played at lot one in timezone. so we played that game until my card finish already. i go top up 33 then finish until 6 only. T.T

then went home smelling like burnt food bbq. LOLS. what a day!!!!

: D