Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Follow me, lets leave it all behind tonight

I woke up this morning not feeling so well. I took my temperature then the reading says 37.9 But i still want to go to school. I don't want to be stuck at home.

Then went to school, only saw Hui Ying sitting in the front. Then I was just the only one at the middle so I went out of school to buy sweet. On my way to the shop outside school, I saw Lisa. So I asked her to go with me and buy. She also buy sweet because i buy sweet. Then went back to school then went to canteen with Lisa. Then we went back to parade square when we heard the DM's voice. Sat at the back line of the girls alone. Well, Joanne was in front of me but she only talk to me a little bit. Then, finally joy came.

First Period was Reading so I cant say much for that. At Maths, we had a test about number sequence. Kind of easy. But some people (the smart ones) say that it was hard so I also say it's hard lor. Then I finish my maths test then check my work for like 5 times then I want to eat sweet but Mdm teh kept looking at my way. She say "Shary you're not suppose to open anything" cos my hand was down so she thinks i'm cheating. But I was not opening anything. I just put my hand down. CBA siah.

Then Science. Just got my science test paper. My marks so low. T.T So sad. Unsurprisingly, Joy got a high mark. She studied for the test but I didn't...

Then Music. We were doing a song. Our theme is about rain but we can't think of anything. So we change our theme to love. As expected, Joy can write a song about the theme. I just agreed with her everytime she say a lyric.

Then recess. Eat burger and Milo. Idk what is so interesting about it. English was quite okay. Got thunder so when Ms yong get angry a bit then she kept quiet suddenly got thunder so loud. then we all laugh(If u get what I'm saying). Then CMP. So boring siah. Finally, Ms yeo change Haziq's place. Then at Home Econ it was ok-ok. The teacher quite funny. Then got this moment when it suddenly got awkward.... I just kept my head down the whole time when it got awkward. Haiz. Next lesson for Home Econ we're doing cooking. So excited. at least got something exciting to do..


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