Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Visiting friends blogs.

This morning I got nothing to do. Well I got something to do of course. Go Facebook and check some things. Then eat breakfast. After eating, I go to my blog and just look around it. I don't know why I did that.

Then I got nothing better to do so I check people's blog. I wanted to tag but then i dunno what difference it will make. I mean when I say tag to them then they will just say haha or lol. So I check their blogs and found that no one, not no one, just well most of the people didn't even update their blog.

Bored!!!!!! Going to church later. Then my family and I will go to my mother's friend house for something I don't know.

I'm so excited for the March Holdiays to come. And This week I won't have CCA!! Yes. I'm so happy bcos CCA are like boring sometimes but fun sometimes. Oh, I don't know how to explain. I don't want to attend anymore but then I need to attend at least 75% of it. CCA marks are counted in my overall scores!! High School is nothing compared to primary school. It's much harder than I ever, ever thought. Sure, the work I have to put in is much, much more than primary school but then my classmmates in high school is much much more fun that primary school classmates.

I mean my class now is fun. We laugh everyday. Well, sometimes we laugh so much that we pissed off the teachers. but that's ok anyway. um, i don't rly know if getting the teachers pissed off is okay..... LOL

My form teacher this year is kind. When our class gets blame or one of his student (means one of the student in my class) he just ask the school not to scold us ar anything. I don't know if it's true or not. I just heard it that Mr Ng did that for us and to one of his students.

I heard that one of my classmate got a punishment and had to have a public caning!!!! Then I was like 'what!' but then i heard than Mr ng just told the principal not to cane that student and just have an another punishment which was to write a 500 word essay.  I don't know if it's true or not. I just heard it form one of my classmates.

Well, I think the subject I don't like the most is art. I'm not rly that good at art. I'm really sure that I'm not gonna take art as my subject on sec 3. But I'm kind of sure I'm going to take 'A Maths' and the normal maths. I don't really know the name of the subject but I think it's called like that because I saw the schedule of a sec 3 or 4.

Woah! I can't believe I written a lot. I thought I'll just write, like, only 1 paragraph.

Later peeps!

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