Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bad mood

Actually, I'm not the one with the bad mood.. My parents are. They always fight. Sigh. Duuno whose fault it is but I just have to keep my mouth shut and just lock myself up in my room. Which is btw the best solution here. Got no one to talk to with these. Joy busy with studying. I want to go out with someone. Very bored here.

I almost forgot that I have guitar lesson today. I wished I never asked for a guitar on my birthday. Because the teacher in guitar lessons is . . . i dunno. Just that, i don't like the way he's teaching. Don't have friends at that lesson. They all very serious! Which makes me the only one who is not serious. I think the youngest in the lesson is 7 or 8 yrs old then the oldest is 40 yrs old. I think, i don't really know the youngest to oldest there.

Right now, I'm watching American Idol. Elimating round.

At school, Our sitting arrangement is by index number. I'm in the second front! I don't like it. I like my where i sat last time. It's kind of the second last in the back. When i sat at front, I felt like i dunno. I'm just not used to it.

I want to study for history but dunno which chapter I'm going to study. But teacher said to study timeline and remember it. So, I'm going to study that now. Well, after an hour.

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