Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Friday, December 31, 2010

A new year

heyy!! 13 more hours to go for 2011!! ^.^

well, i got really nothing to say except wishing everybody a happy new year, kayy??

so have a nice year ahead of u and make sure ur new years resolution will come true for 2011.

HAHA. if u ever ask me, my resolution for 2010 came true!! hehe. so must work hard to get what u want!!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Need for Speed Carbon

Well, this is just a ps3 game. So if ur not really interested then u might just as well leave. . . :) i am saying this in a good way.

Just a picture when its racing. (Sprint, Circuit or maybe Speedtrap)
 Sooo, this game is my favourite to play. I'm quite good at it except for the drift races. It's really hard for me. It's like they added oil on the road or something. Well, I decided to write about it because I wanted to. And also, I want to share this game. :) Well, the hardest part of this are

1st- drift race
2nd- boss race (canyon duel)
3rd- Canyon duels

Anyways, its really fun for me. When I unlock stuff i'm excited to test it or see it. Lol. Especially when I unlock a crew member. Well, my favourite race to play are

1st- Speedtrap races
2nd- Sprint race
3rd- Boss race (Circuit race)

There are also cops chasing me. So I have to be a bit bad to them. But its quite easy getting away from them espcially if ur car is fast. Well, my current car that Im using is this below.

Behold, the Lamborghini Gallardo.
I really like that car. Its very good at acceleration and the engine too. the nitrous is based on the package you buy. Well, my car is not actually pink but kinda mixed colours. Im not really good at designing things but mine will do. LOL. The plot of this game, I love it.

Well, I can summarise the plot. . .

Kenji (my enemy)

Angie(My enemy)

Wolf(My enemy)
Dairus(my enemy and Nikki's ex)

Nikki  (my gf)


(I know, they all look so good) Well, five years ago, I was racing with Kenji, Angie and Wolf when the police so us. But they caught everyone except me. Well, in the plot, they said that why did the police let me go?

I drive on a route to Palmont City after escaping from the police in Rockport, when a flashback of what seems to be a race against Kenji, Angie, and Wolf comes to my mind. A police incident at the end of the race forces me to make a hasty escape from Palmont. In present day, former Police Sergeant, now turned bounty hunter, Cross (Played by Dean McKenzie) in his Chevrolet Corvette Z06 chases me down the canyon leading to his BMW M3 GTR that he reclaimed from Razor in Need for Speed: Most Wanted being wrecked. Shortly before Cross can arrest me, Darius and his crew arrive. Darius pays off Cross, and i meet up with Nikki (Played by Emmanuelle Vaugier), my ex-girlfriend, on bad terms.

Darius tells me with the help of Nikki to clean up my image by beating the rival racing crews to gain territory and to reclaim my reputation as a respected street racer in Palmont. Winning races one by one, i acquire territories and ultimately districts from Kenji (Downtown), Angie (Kempton), and Wolf (Fortuna). After beating each racer, I meets up with a former member of that racer's crew, who want to join the my crew and reveal their observations regarding the night I took off from Palmont.

Owning all three districts, Darius asks me to meet up with him. He reveals he was just using me all along to get more territory and had set up an ambush with Cross to have me arrested. When Darius leave me, on the brink of being arrested by Cross, is saved by Nikki who tells me that she now realizes everything that happened months ago after piecing together her view of the night and the viewpoints of the other racers. Realizing that Darius was ultimately liable for my fall that fateful night, Nikki sides with me and leaves Darius. Meanwhile, Darius hires the 3 previous bosses (Kenji, Angie, and Wolf) into his new crew, Stacked Deck. I then attempts to conquer Silverton, and oust Darius and his Stacked Deck crew, to clean up my reputation once and for all.

Winning races against Stacked Deck, I gets a chance to beat Darius for control of Palmont. At the end of the game, Darius surrenders his Audi Le Mans Quattro to me with the addition of Nikki once again becoming my girlfriend. But not without Darius first telling me, "enjoy it while it lasts, there's always someone out there who's a little faster than you are, and sooner or later they're gonna catch up..." before departing out of Palmont.

Well, I gues I wrote quite a lot for this post. Anyways, that's the info about my favourite game in PS3. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Story Of Us by Taylor Swift

HI! I just want to share a video I made. Well, it's a first video song I made to be uploaded in youtube. I took a lot of time making this. I wanted to stop halfway but I gotta finish what I started right? So, please spare a moment for this video I made for entertaiment purposes only. . . No copyrights intended ( i need to type that down). Soo. enjoy watching.

Vampire Academy

I love the series!! I have them all. all 6 of it. Well, the author said that this would be the last book of Rose's point of view. But she said there would be another series of Vampire Academy of another person's point of view. I'm kind of sad that Rose's point of view will end so soon but well, an author can't keep writing about the same thing right? Well never mind.

I have all of these books including Last Sacrifice. I'm a total bookworm, arent I? I don't know why English is my worst subject. . .  T.T
 So, school's gonna start soon. Next week. Well, goood news is that January 4 is the first day of school and there would be no lesson. Well, I hope that is true. If not i'll just blame the school's calendar.

Well, I still have homework to do but I'm very sure I can finish them on time. I have maths left anyways. Soo. But i hope that isn't too much. Today, I think I'm going to watch Step up 3(DVD) and play some PS3 (NEED FOR SPEED CARBON) hehe. my day is all set. And also, I'm planning to have a fried chicken for lunch!! LOL.

Yesterday, I went to vivo city and went to the usual places. To the people who know me would know where I always go. Marche, Page One. Those are the must go everytime my family and I go to vivo. Anyways, we went shopping. me and mom. There were actually a lot of people. At page one, there i saw the rankings of the happiest countries in the world.

1st was Denmark/Finland (I dunno i forgot)
2nd was Denmark/Finland (srsly, i forgot)
Netherlands was 4th!!!!!!!!! :DDD
I saw Singapore and Hong Kong were the 81st country to be the happiest in the world. -.-
Never saw what Philippines was ranked.

Btw, I went to church yesterday for a mass and I didn't notice that the person that was stting beside the person sitting beside me was the relieve home econ teacher. For those who are in my batch would know who i am talking about. When mrs lai was away for a month then a teacher go teach our class. Ah, that's the one. Can't believe I didn't see her there. I didn't expect her to be a catholic. well, i admit i see her a lot ever sundays there but never actually sat near each other. she saw me once and we smiled at each other. weirddddd tat she rmb meeee.

anyways, i think i wrote a lot for now.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hey friends! Merry Christmas to you! Gosh, A year has finish. I haven't finished my homework yet. T.T I hope I can finish it before school starts cos I dont want to get scolding on the first day of school.

By the way, am i going to class 2E1 next year?? Cos Idk. My teacher hasn't told us what class we should go for next year. But most probably its 2E1. And I think that 2E1-2E3 are sitting on the um, idk what you call it but there is like 2 floor levels on my school hall. Then these 3 classes are up there, aren't they? I'm confusing myself.

Anyways, I slept at 2am today cos of Christmas. I got a lot of presents which I didn't expect. LOL. My family did an exchange gift. Well, I picked my name three times consecutively. So in the end, I was the last one to pick but i still got my name. Anyway, I got my mom's present. I'm gonna list out the things i got for christmas!! :)

-2 towels (exchange gift)
-An organizer
-2 earrings
-A wallet (with $50 and I don't know how many cents)
-2 Long sleeve clothe and a skirt
-A bed Sheet
-painting Materials

So there's quite a lot. But i gave them gifts too. Even my lil sis.

-A medal display (my exchange gift. I know it sounds riculous but I had no idea what to give for an exchange gift. Cos the ones I'm exchanging to are 3 adults! So it my mind, they want something old or complicated. But I"m not an adult yet so I gave them what I can give them)
-A pen with my mom's name on it. (Gave it to my mom. obviously)
-2 lava lamps (One for maribel and one for rose)
-A mug with london on the mug (for my dad)

This early morning like 1 am, we had a great dinner/breakfast. We were laughing very loud especially that i splashed my rootbeer to my father. Sorry, cant hold back my laughter while i was drinking. :P

So anyways, have a good christmas y'all!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Such idiots

Well, this is my 2nd post for today. I just want to post something. Well, I just went o facebook and go to people's profile. And this phrase just went to my head for those people I just visited (the profile i mean)

"such idiots"

I don't know why I thought of that but it really irritates out the hell of me with those people. Am not gonna say who and you can't probably guess those people. They did nothing to me but they seem like that they are just making a fool of themselves. It's so funny if I were to tell you the truth right now. It's none of my business and I have no right to laugh at them but it is just freaking weird, funny, stupid, silly or watever you call it.

Well, that's just wat i want to post cos surely you may think I'm weird but I'm just saying my thoughts.


Forgive and forget

That´s what they say. It's good advice, but it's not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled...old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for, is that one day we´ll be lucky enough to forget.

Okayss, so its sometimes nice that once in a while I get to think stuff like this. Things I really can relate to.

Today, I've started with my story again. I haven't thought of the title but I'm thinking that I'll call it Little Journey. I am starting to think whether I should name my books for next year. . . Maybe later. Lazyyy

Yesterday, I went to the library at 8pm. There were not many people in the teen section. There were only like 10 people and that floor is very big. The aircon was freezing me completely. But anyway, I borrowed like 12 books. Well, 1 magazine and 11 books to be exact.

I dont have really anything interesting to say but 4 DAYS TO GO FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I'm telling myself to start with my homework already. So i did. Did some of the work. English already finishing but the book review i lost it sooo i am waiting for joanne to give the copy to me. And i am going to start with all the math paper 2 soon. why paper 2 u ask? because the questions are lesser for me.

Anyways, yesterday during choir i thought i was going to faint. I mean litterally . I am sick. Dunno why i still came but i miss my friends from choir. I sang the warm up. then go luch. after luch i was hyper. So me and nasuha go throw balloons at nichelle. Then i rested cos i feel dizzy. Ended up resting while the whole choir sings. But i like resting. Cos i got to hear the choir for the first time without me singing in it. Was sitting with nicole and andrea. Talk about school life and sec 3 and all.

Then after choir, i walked with nichelle to the bus interchange. I wanted to take the comfort bus and nichelle is taking the mrt. So we were at the bus stop near school when she said
 she wants to buy a (fucking) milk tea. I mean come on. I wanted to go home immediately then we need to walk back agian to buy that drink. So i just gave up and followed her. Gave her 50 cents. She kept syaing thank you and thank you again and again. lol.

so walked to b.b. interchange again. Ended up walking with obnoxious nigel. Me and nichelle kept talking about ikung to him. Saying that she was lost in the forest looking for him. Nichelle was the perv one. She said that ikung has coconut bra and a banana leaf for her skirt. i was like wtf in my mind. Then we were near the interchange when O.N. pressed his extremely cold cup in nichelle's neck and my cheek. mostly it was nich's neck. Kept whining abt it. But i screamed when the cold touched my face. amazingly he stopped. all along it was nich's who asked him to do that to me. pissed, so pulled her horse mane hair again and again. nich and i said goodbye to each other. nich gave O.N. a kick for a goodbye.

Anyways, there's this song the Jerome le tme listened to and i loved it. here it is. (not actually original version but i like lee's version better)