Shary v.W

Shary here! I'm a girl which is a cheerful one. and a bookworm too. I love listening to music! :) and hanging out with my friends is always the best thing.... but having my family and friends by my side is the best thing that is happening to me. Have fun blogging!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Nothing to post today so.... just post this lor... i know it's long. if u got anytime to read this. please read. tyty

Last person you danced with?
♥ cannot remember...
If you woke up naked next to your celeb. crush, what would you say/do?
♥i'll say "no! wtfh!!"
What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?
♥ Catherine Joy
Have you ever had stitches?
♥ nono
Do you spend more time on myspace or facebook?
Last thing you bought?
♥ 100 plus
Does your hair have layers?
♥ yaya
What is the closest thing to you that is grey?
♥ calculator
Were you happy when you woke up today?
♥ idk. i was thinking wat day it is
Tell me about the craziest night you've ever had?
♥ i don't rmb
Have you ever rode a horse?
What's your favorite thing to do with your hair?
♥ comb it. play with it
Kissed someone in a vehicle?
♥ nono
What's irritating you right now?
♥ he's going to be away for awhile.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 
♥wrote in my diary or was it read a book?
Are you sarcastic?
♥ dunno
How many times is A in your full name?
♥ 3
Are your toenails painted?
♥ black
Are you taller than 5 foot 6?
♥ :( only 5 foot 5 siah!
Is your hair longer than your shoulders?
♥ no. just shoulder length
Oceans, lakes, or pools?
♥ pools. of it's clean. or maybe lake
Your phone goes off during the night, do you answer it?
♥ depends on the caller
Has a guy sat on your bed before?
♥ i forgot. cos got two guy go my house(my science groupmates) then go to my room. i didn't follow them. lazy to see. so i don't really know.
Would you rather have long or short hair?
♥ short. lazy to comb and tie it up
Last night, you felt?
♥ damn bored
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
♥ both
Does the last person you kissed know what color your eyes are?
♥ i dunno
Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
♥ idk
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
♥ nope. long time ago siah
Do you curl your eyelashes?
♥ no. idk how siah. and lazy . it takes like 2 or 3 minutes of my life.
Are you good at giving directions?
♥ sometimes. if i know the place lah.
Does anyone completely understand you?
♥ bestfirends and someone(i think)
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
♥ idk. must ask.
Have you ever had to choose between two people?
♥ ya.
Delete a year of your life, or start over in a new town?
♥ delete
Is the last person you kissed black?
♥ wth
Anything crazy happen this week?
♥ i don't rly rmb. -.-
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
♥ some random person I dunno......
In the last 6 months can you say you cared about someone?
♥ yes
Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
♥ super duper of course
Which is harder, telling someone you love them or that you don't?
♥ telling them that you dont........ :(
Name two of your favorite colors:
♥ black and red
If someone said, "I don't talk shit about people," would you believe them?
♥ depends on their facial expressopns
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
♥ no. just was my time
How exactly did you spend the last 5 minutes of 2009?
♥ go to Clarke. watch firworks with family. -.- so bored
Ever been called babe/baby?
♥ i don't rmb
Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced?
♥ ack! no
Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
♥ i may be able to answer that at the end of 2010. if u asked about 2008 and 2009. i'm super happier at 2009
Do you think 2010 will top 2009?
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an S?
♥I don't know anyone. dun want to think cos it will just waste my brain energy -.-
Are all guys players and cheaters?
♥ nah.....some girls cheat....but I think its mostly guys...(no offence) [it's catherine joy's answer but I want to copy]
How many people did you have "strong" feelings for this year?
Do you still talk to the person you liked 4 months ago?
♥ this question is hillarious to me!!!!!!!!
100 questions
001. Real name → Shary Lingad van Wees

002. Nickname(s)→ Shary, Sha-sha
003. Zodiac sign → Virgo
004. Male or female → Female
005. Junior school →Shuqun Primary School
006. Secondary School → Hillgrove Secondary School
007. College → ???
008. Hair color→ black
009. Long or short → Shoulder length
010. Loud or Quiet → Depends
011. Trackies or Jeans → jeans
012. Phone or Camera → Phone with internet access
013. Health freak → not really
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → yaya
016. Eat or Drink → Depends whether i'm hungry or thirsty
017. Piercing → dun really think abt it.
018. Tattoos →nono, dun like tattoos
019. Been in an airplane→ yes. got some problem with hearing when airplane landing and go to fly
020. Lied in your parents→yaya
021. Been in a car accident → no
022. Been in a fist fight → idk
023. First piercing → when i was just a baby
024. First best friend → Gaylle Coronel
025. First award → Best In Maths
027. First time → huh?
028. First big vacation →To bagio or to singapore. dont rmb alr
029. Last person you talked to → C. jason
030. Last person you texted → Alicia Teo
031. Last person you watched a movie with →My cousin, c.jason.
034. Last song you listened to → Complicated by Avril Lavigne. Listening to it ryt now. :D
035. Last thing you bought → 100 plus
036. Last person you hugged → Rose
037. Food → Anything Cheesy
038. Drinks → Season Lemon Tea
039. Clothing → baggy t-shirt. Comfortable shirts...
040. Flower → Roses
041. Books → NightWorld
042. Colours → Red and Black
043. Movies →Idk
044. Subjects → Design and Technology and English
IN 2009...
045. Kissed someone → a private question leh
046. Celebrated Halloween → I didn't celebrate but just give sweets to the kids asking for sweets
047. Had your heart broken → yaya
048. Went over the minutes on your cell phone → yaya
049. Questioned someone's sexual orientation → -.-
050. Came out of the closet →yaya. nth to do so locked myself. Guess what? I can fit in there without breaking the closet... -.-
051. Got pregnant → NOOOO!!
052. Had an abortion → wth?
053. Did something you regretted → yaya
054. Broke a promise → i don't remember
055. Hid a secret → yayaya
056. Pretended to be happy → yaya.....
057. Met someone who changed your life → idk. maybe. idk
058. Pretended to be sick → hmmmmm.....did I??????
059. Left the country → yeah! Bintan and Hong Kong!!!!!!
060. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it → idk
061. Cried over the silliest thing → yaya.
062. Ran a mile → yaya
063. Went to the beach with your best friend(s) → forgot...
064. Got into an argument with your friends →yaya
065. Hated someone → of course......
066. Done something good for someone else → yeah
067. Eating →huh?
068. Drinking → wat?
069. I'm about to → finish this very long post and about to watch a video
070. Listening to → music
071. Plans for today → facebook and sleep and sms
072. Waiting for → someone to chat back in msn
073. Want kids? → not really thinking abt that
074. Want to get married? → sure
075. Careers in mind → accountant
076. Lips or eyes → both
077. Shorter or taller? →of course taller. i'm 5'5 -.-
078. Romantic or spontaneous → both
079. Nice arms or stomach → both
080. Sensitive or loud → both
081. Hook-up or relationship → relationship. not ready for hook up yet
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → idk... -.-"
083. Lost glasses/contacts lense → no
084. Ran away from home → no
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense → nononono
086. Killed somebody → a human? nono
087. Broken someone's heart → ya....haiz.. want to forget abt that alr
088. Rejected someone's call on purpose → lol. yayaya
089. Cried when someone died → er. ya.. want to forget about that also
090. Yourself → sometimes.....
091. Miracles → sometimes
092. Love at first sight → nono
093. Heaven → yaya
094. Santa Claus → ho-ho-ho! (santa claus? i nickname someone after canta's name.. joy, u know who)
095. Sex on the first date → ack! wth? only first date siah.....
096. Kiss on the first date → depends...
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → of course...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → er ya-or-no okok
099. Do you believe in God? → I believe in him.
100. Do you sometimes feel like slapping someone? If yes, then tell who it is?? Radin and Jerald

Monday, April 26, 2010

Follow me, lets leave it all behind tonight

I woke up this morning not feeling so well. I took my temperature then the reading says 37.9 But i still want to go to school. I don't want to be stuck at home.

Then went to school, only saw Hui Ying sitting in the front. Then I was just the only one at the middle so I went out of school to buy sweet. On my way to the shop outside school, I saw Lisa. So I asked her to go with me and buy. She also buy sweet because i buy sweet. Then went back to school then went to canteen with Lisa. Then we went back to parade square when we heard the DM's voice. Sat at the back line of the girls alone. Well, Joanne was in front of me but she only talk to me a little bit. Then, finally joy came.

First Period was Reading so I cant say much for that. At Maths, we had a test about number sequence. Kind of easy. But some people (the smart ones) say that it was hard so I also say it's hard lor. Then I finish my maths test then check my work for like 5 times then I want to eat sweet but Mdm teh kept looking at my way. She say "Shary you're not suppose to open anything" cos my hand was down so she thinks i'm cheating. But I was not opening anything. I just put my hand down. CBA siah.

Then Science. Just got my science test paper. My marks so low. T.T So sad. Unsurprisingly, Joy got a high mark. She studied for the test but I didn't...

Then Music. We were doing a song. Our theme is about rain but we can't think of anything. So we change our theme to love. As expected, Joy can write a song about the theme. I just agreed with her everytime she say a lyric.

Then recess. Eat burger and Milo. Idk what is so interesting about it. English was quite okay. Got thunder so when Ms yong get angry a bit then she kept quiet suddenly got thunder so loud. then we all laugh(If u get what I'm saying). Then CMP. So boring siah. Finally, Ms yeo change Haziq's place. Then at Home Econ it was ok-ok. The teacher quite funny. Then got this moment when it suddenly got awkward.... I just kept my head down the whole time when it got awkward. Haiz. Next lesson for Home Econ we're doing cooking. So excited. at least got something exciting to do..


Saturday, April 24, 2010

My life

Yesterday, just perform at a concert for school. Its called Under the star but we performed in the hall because it was raining and the field would be damp. So most people called it Under the Big Asses Fans. There are big two fans in our school hall. They are actually called Bid Ass Fans....

The seniors (sec4/5) cried because its their last performance...

LOng time since I posted a post here.

Getting more lazy to visit my blog..

Nothing interesting happened actually..

Well, choir also performed in the Prize Giving Day. After performing, there was a buffet at the canteen. I only ate dessert. I was too full to eat cos the choir gave us something to eat(burger. actually we can only eat 1 but i ate 2).

SA1 coming soon...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No title

Today got M.t. oral so i don't need to stayback!!!

Then went out with Lisa and C.Joy. So fun...

LAzy to type already.


Saturday, April 10, 2010


Nothing in my life seems interesting.

Yesterday, after art saw Jerald looking or maybe taking (is more like it) something. Then i come a bit closer even though I'm quite scared of him because he's a pervert. I saw that it was an injured bird. It can't fly properly. I didn't say it can't fly, i said it can't fly properly. Then i took it in my hand and it calmly rested on my index finger. Then all my classmates wanted to look what was i holding or something.

Then they all went "er" "ah" "cute" "wat happen" "wat issit" "wat"


Then they were all crowding me and the poor bird then i ask them to go away and stubbornly stayed where they are. Then the bird was kind of scared at them and flied away but failed to. What an amazingly kind people my classmates are.


Then Jie yi kindly took the bird in the classroom then one of the girls scream which was the most retarded thing to do. Then they ask me to keep it. then someone took a box and i placed the bird there.


Then recess i took the bird inside the box and i know the risk i would take anyway. The risk is the i know the bird would poo on my hand. And it did. All my classmates are disgusted at the poo and i gave them a smug look.

It's like they nvr seen one before.

Shashank took the bird home.

After school, i was in my cca rehearsing like hell inside the hall and choir room and outside AVA room.

Finally, after a week, i posted one long post.

Sigh. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Long time no post

It's been a long time since i post something. Well, i'm quite busy with studies...

Got so many things to post so little time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


People, please don't assume some things. I mean by that is, when people say something about me please don't assume that I really said that.

That's all. I said this because of someone. I hate that person.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Seems like time is slowing down

When I expect time to get faster it will slow down. Now I'm waiting for that day. Just a few more days I'll see him. So excited. It seems like time is slowing down.

But i think i won't know it, it will be the day I am waiting for. Time is sometimes my bestfriend but sometimes it's my enemy too. I wonder how he would look like since i saw him.

He's coming this week and that day is when I will have my CCA. but i will have to get permission to get out early to fetch him at the airport.

Just a few more days. A few more days.

I'm waiting. . .

We Are The World 25 For Haiti 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Terrified By Katharine Mcphee


Just woke up and my whole body was in pain.

I guess this will happen when I don't excercise much and just suddenly I ran 3 km.

After the race yesterday, I though I was gonna faint! Good thing I didn't. Then I saw Mr Ng, he was drinking then I didnt know I was so thirsty. Then I ask him I was thirsty then he pointed at the people serving drinks. I drank like 7 or more cups.

Well, today is good firday. I need to go to church. I want not need cos, you know.

Later frens. :p

Thursday, April 1, 2010

One of the best day!

The one thing I didn't like for today was the running for 3 km.

Well, after that I went out with Joy and Wei keong. Suppose to be with Kai Kent but he say he cannot. So we go Jurong Point then we eat first and then we walk walk around. Then we go Jurong West Library. WE did our Science Project there. Then we were all laughing so loud.

Then when we finish the project we go mrt sation then go to where we want to go.

Today was FUN FUN FUN!

Yesterday, me n joy went out and go to West mAll. I want to put the pics here but I decided to Just put it at Facebook! :p